One day coming back from the train to no where, we saw a moose and her calf. They were hanging out near a fishing cabin and really close to the road. We watched them for 15 minutes or so, before they disappeared into the willow.
A moose and baby by the Bering Sea.
Close to a fishing cabin. We saw a few other moose on our trip, they were all female. Even living in Montana and Utah. Most of the moose I have seen have been female. I think I have only seen 2 males.
Musk ox. Don't they remind you a little of mammoths? They are smaller than I expected and Doug says they are mostly fur.
Musk ox running. We watched them run for quite a while. They would run a little and then stop. A few minutes later they would start running in the direction they just came from. They kept switching which way they were going. It was like they were running just for the shear joy of running. It was fun to watch them play.
Kind of like a kid running. After watching the musk ox, we drove a while and came to a bridge. We got out to look at all the birds (Nome is a birder hot spot- I had no idea). Everest could have cared less about the birds. Any ideas on why he is running?
Can you guess now? Grami and Everest got lots of rocks to throw from the bridge. When they ran out, they went back for more. Grami is such a good sport. Look how happy he is running.
Doug, Nathan, Leaf and I saw lots of birds and a fox. We got pictures, but the fox was pretty far away and the picture doesn't show much on the blog so I deleted it. We also saw a snowy owl and golden eagle, but the same was true for those pictures.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
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