I have been meaning to post about Leaf's home water birth for a while now. I wanted to post before the baby comes so those of you who have no idea what a home birth is like or why we would do another one, you can understand. This is why. It was the most beautiful, peaceful, intimate experience I have ever had. When we decided we were not having any more children, I was a little sad that I would never experience this again. Be careful what you wish for, right? Fast forward almost 2 years and we are going to have this amazing experience again (if all goes well). Home birth is not for everyone, and I am fully supportive of every woman birthing the way she feels comfortable. This is what is right for us.
Putting Everest to bed the night before. I started contractions in the afternoon, they were light until about 5 or 6 am.
Everest gave up sleeping with baby this night, he wanted to have baby be part of the experience too.
I LOVED my birthing ball, for both kids, we have it inflated and ready to go again. We also have the pool inflated, but put up on it's side so the kids DO NOT play with it (we don't want any holes in the pool!).
Around 7 am Everest and dad got up. Dad took Everest to play for the day. Thanks dad. This time he will have both kids, but he is bringing the motor home, so they will have a place to be if we have the baby in the middle of the night. He was so excited to meet his new sibling.
I started a contraction right when he woke up. I was doing my best not to let him know. Compared to his birth, the contractions were all manageable. Until the head came out, I would not describe the contractions as pain. They were uncomfortable, but not painful. I used the hypnobabies technique and let my body push him out. I only pushed once to help his head come out.
We will miss Kenya at this birth. She was good the whole time. She stayed out of the way, but checked on me once in a while. We miss you Kenya.
I got into the pool to relax, and it felt VERY good. A little too good. I relaxed enough that my labor stopped.This is one of my favorite birthing pictures.
Mom and Nathan taking a break and giving dad and Everest and update.
This was my birthing room. It was a beautiful October day. The sun was out, we couldn't have asked for a better morning. Isn't the pool so cute?
My water broke at 10 am and I got back into the pool.
My contractions were getting stronger, I knew we were close to having a baby. Nathan, my mom and my midwife were wonderful the whole time.
This is Nathan's favorite picture. Leaf is born! I love all the support I had bringing my beautiful little boy into this world. It was an amazing experience.
Everyone helping to welcome him from the womb. (Nathan and I and my mom....my midwife was there as our coach and helped when needed.)
This is Leaf, he sucked his fingers in the womb and continues sucking them to this day. The baby I am carrying also sucks its fingers. We were very blessed to get ultra sound pictures of it.
Nathan snuggling with our new born son.
Nonnie got some cuddle time too. She was happy and grateful to be there.
Nursing. We love you Leaf.
I would like to say thank you to Nathan for being amazing and supportive as a birth partner, husband, father and friend. I love you. Thanks mom for sharing this amazing experience. Thank you to our midwife for helping us find our way on this amazing journey. A very special thanks to our good friend and photography, Treya. The pictures she took were amazing and we will cherish them (and her) forever. She is an amazing photographer, I don't even remember her taking pictures. Thanks for being conspicuous! Thank you to Papa, for taking care of our other precious baby during Leaf's birth. And thank you to Leaf for being in our lives.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Love this post, thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. Hang in there, you are getting so close! :)