Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blow up

Yesterday while I was nursing Aurora, she had a classic "blow out." Leaf was standing near me, he turned and said "Mama, Roara blow up!". Yes, Leaf, I guess she did kind of blow up.

Aurora had her appointment at Riley's Children's Hospital yesterday to see if she has hip dysplasia. The doctor said she doesn't have a classic case, but their is a small "click" in her hip. He wants another ultrasound done in another week when she is 6 weeks old (I can't believe she is almost 6 weeks old!). He said they are not completely accurate until 6 weeks. She may have to be in a brace for a while, but she also may not. For now, we are double diapering her. It is the "old fix" (before the brace/harness was invented). It just keeps her legs in a frog like position, which is what helps the ball and socket grow in the right position. We will let you know more when we know more. 
Thanks for asking about her and us. We are all doing fine. I am still trying to figure out how to manage 3 kids. Sometimes I do well and other times, well..... 
Yesterday, it took me an hour to get breakfast together for the boys. All they had was yogurt and applesauce, you would think I would have 2 minutes to get that for them. Aurora needed nursed, then she had her blow out, which needed to be taken care of, then Leaf needed changed. It was one little thing after another.

On another note, my grama Camuso (maternal grama), isn't doing so well. She has been in a nursing home for a while and she has good and bad days, but so far she has seemed to pull out of things and be ok for long stretches of time. She was placed on Hospice over the weekend, and is not as responsive or eating much. If she is ready, I want her to go. That doesn't mean, I am ready to let her go. I know that is selfish. If there is anyone in this wold who deserves heaven, it is my grama. She is the most kind and generous person, I have ever met. I believe, she is what God intended all of us to be like. I love you grama.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First bath

Aurora had her first bath while Nonnie and Papa were still here. The bathroom is not lit very well, so Nathan had a hard time taking pictures. He got a few good shots.

We need to lighten this one. I love that she is looking up at Nathan.

I love how curly her hair looks here, when it is dry it is very straight, although that is how the boys started out too.
Getting washed.

This was a few days later, I came downstairs and found Nathan and Aurora napping on the couch.

So peaceful. She is a good sleeper, unlike her brothers.

Papa's favorite thing to do with babies. He has held all 3 of my kids in this chair and rocked them to sleep.

Monday, September 13, 2010


The boys love to play with play dough. We tried a new recipe and it turned out perfect. I love making homemade play dough. The boys get to help make it, pick out the color they want and then play with it. If they eat it, life will go on and if they drop it on the floor is will dissolve with enough water.

Leaf having a good time, his favorite thing to do is make a ball out of play dough, surprise, surprise.

Everest loves to play legos. He is very creative and can sit and build something for an hour or two.
We promised the boys they could play in the birthing pool after the birth.(yes, it was thoroughly cleaned) The campground my parents stayed at had a pool, so they swam everyday out there. When my parents left we were so busy, we didn't get the pool out. Everest convinced Nathan to fill it the other night. It was in the 70's and the water was freezing. It didn't stop the boys from having fun.
We made green smoothies this night, and Leaf very much enjoyed his, as evident on his face. And this was after we cleaned it. He is such a messy boy because he insists on doing everything himself.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Camping with Nonnie and Papa

The campground Nonnie and Papa stayed at was right on the Wabash River. The boys had a great time playing near the river, they went for walks and rode bikes, went fishing and climbed trees. By the end of the week the river was low and an island appeared so they walked out to it and explored.

I love this picture of Everest. He had climbed up the roots and was sitting in the tree.

Another view, you can see the river a little more.
Getting ready to climb another tree.
A highlight for Everest. There was a bobcat in the campground. I am not sure what they were doing with it, but for him, it doesn't matter, anywhere there is a bobcat or other machines, he is happy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

tire swing

Papa built a tire swing for the boys earlier this summer. I have been meaning to post it, but other things have been keeping us busy. The tire swing is very sturdy and loved by the boys, neighbors and anyone who visits. My dad was very proud of the tire swing. He is putting making one for my grama's house in Brockway for all my cousins to enjoy.

Nonnie pushing Everest and Leaf on their swings.

Whoo hoo! The tire swing is awesome!

When both swings are being used, you have to coordinate so they do not crash. We need to find a better place for Leaf's swing. It swings crooked where it is.

Leaf sucks his fingers the minute he gets into the swing. He loves to swing. Thanks Papa!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

little Everest

Nathan and the boys were outside playing over the weekend, when our neighbor Eric biked by. He stopped and asked Nathan if he could write a poem about Everest. (Eric is our neighbor who lives near the ravine we cleaned up in the Spring- A Small thank you for our Mother Earth ). 
Eric stopped by a few hours later and gave us the poem he wrote. He is hoping to write a book of poems about children who inspire him. Everest was very proud of himself and we are too. He continues to pick up trash when we go for walks, and I am sure we will clean the ravine again soon.

I wanted to share Eric's poem with you.

 little Everest

They call the mountain Everest
And that is where he got his name
He could not have been three feet tall
But that just did not mean a thing

When Everest saw a problem
Such as a litter filled ravine
He would go and get his parents
And then make sure that it was clean

He would separate the little
And recycle what he could
Did not do it for the glory
But because he knew that he should

He may be a little boy right now
But he will keep doing what he can
And someday little Everest
Will be a mountain of a man

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fishing- the Four year old way

Papa taught Everest how to fish with a string and a stick. They were playing by the river at the campground and Everest found some fishing wire. They also found a good stick for fishing. They didn't have a hook so Papa tied another stick onto the end as the fish. Everest had so much fun "fishing". Next time Papa comes out, I think Everest might be ready to do some real fishing.

Nonnie helping Everest cast out his line.
Nonnie even got a turn to fish.

Everest pulling in a "big one".
Looking for more fish.

We saw this huge spider on a rock.

Friday, September 3, 2010

First day of Preschool

Everest had his first day of preschool on Aug 25th. He very proudly wore his Big Brother t-shirt. Nonnie and Leaf took Everest to school the first day.

We had rice and beans for dinner (Everest's request), and then went out for ice cream. Papa stayed home with Aurora.
When Leaf finished his yogurt, he said to Nonnie "hummy.. more...... now", Nonnie was kind enough to share her raspberry ice with him.
The ice cream store by our house has trains everywhere. There is a little village set up and a train goes through the ice cream displays. Everest and Leaf had a great time watching the train.

This is the same place we went last year for his first day of school, I guess it is a tradition for us. Last year he got to ride the tag-a-long there (which he loves). This year we drove, I am not up for riding just yet.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


We (Everest, Leaf, Aurora and I) made it through an entire day. Nathan worked a normal day on Wednesday. Everest has school on Wednesday so I figured I would get a little break, except he woke up sick. He stayed home from school. I would not say it was our best day ever, there was plenty of crying, quiet time and time out, but we survivied. I was very nervous about my first full day alone with all 3 kids, but in the end, all the kids are fine. They were fed, dressed and even napped. 

Today may be a different story. Aurora was up for 2 hours last night (she is stuffy and having a hard time breathing) and then up again at 5:20. At 6 Everest got up (still sick), and 6:30 Leaf woke up with croup. We have another few minutes before we call the doctor and see what time we can get an appointment today. I need to get the boys better so Aurora doesn't get anything more than a stuffy nose.

We are laying low today and hoping to feel better soon. There will be plenty of reading and drawing today, and maybe even a movie (a very rare treat at our house). We will see, Leaf has no interest in tv and I would rather sleep.

Thanks for checking on us. I will try to work on more posts today, we will see how it goes.