Monday, June 13, 2011

Biking to Prophetstown

We decided to go on a bike trip this summer with the kids.  We are going in late July. We miss being outdoors. Nathan looked at Google Earth and found a string of State Parks, Recreation Area and Forests in southern Indiana. He also looked at all the roads and found the least traveled ones for us. We are starting at Turkey Run State Park and ending at Brown County State Park. It should be 130 mile trip, but that doesn't include daily trips to the grocery store, restaurants and laundry mats.
We have been taking the kids out on bike trips when Nathan gets home from work. Sunday we decided to step it up a bit and add some weight.

Getting ready for a long bike trip. We biked to Prophetstown State Park. Nathan and Everest towed Aurora. Leaf and I towed camping gear, water and flour (for extra weight).
Taking a break at the Soldiers Home. Everest loved the cannon.

The back of Nathan's trailer...oats, flour, flax seed, raisins. Anything that won't break and make a mess.
Aurora looking through a bench. She is not feeling well. Her eyes are all red, swollen and watery. She still enjoyed the trip. When we take a break, she crawls through the grass(eating most of it as she goes) and pulls herself up on anything she can get a hold of.
I went upstairs the other day to help Leaf in the bathroom. I was not in there more than a minute and I told Leaf I needed to check on Aurora. When I looked in the hallway, she was on the second to top step! It was her first attempt at climbing the steps and she almost made it to the top.
Nathan, Everest, and Aurora on "the train". We bike 19 miles today!!!!!! Nathan said it was going to be 14, but we made some detours so it ended up being 19. 
Our get up! I towed Leaf up this big hill. What you see in the background is not even half of the hill. At one point I told Leaf to keep pedaling to help me go fast up the hill. He said "Mama, I am pedaling!" When I looked back, sure enough he was, but he was pedaling backwards. He thought that was very funny!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! you guys are rock stars! and have legs of steel! can't wait to hear all about your biking adventure!
