Friday, September 2, 2011

Playing at McCormick Creek

McCormick Creek State Park July 31-August 3

Many of the State Parks in Indiana have a community pool. We needed it! It was so hot. Aurora had not napped all day and she desperately needed one, but we all needed to cool off. Nathan had to keep dipping her in the water to cool both of them off. She slept happily the whole time....I have been telling you- she is an amazing baby.
The boys played with their squirt bottles while Nathan cools Aurora.
Everest learned to dive at McCormick Creek. I was nervous about him going off the diving board by himself. He has only been off 3 or 4 times during swim lessons. We jumped off for 15 minutes or so and I asked if he wanted to learn to dive. I dove first and showed him what to do. He got on the board after I did. He bent over like I showed him.......
......and in he went. No fear. He did great. He dove a few more times, but decided he liked cannon balls and us jumping at the same time better. We jumped off the dive for almost an hour.
Stop Mama. Don't take my picture. I did anyway and as soon as I put the camera down, he came over and wanted to see the picture. He is a two year old! looks like this will be painful, but he missed every time. I took the picture because I was sure he was going to hit. He wouldn't jump out. But somehow, he never got hurt.

While Leaf and I took a nap one afternoon, Nathan, Bonnie, Everest and Aurora went hiking. They found a shelter to play in.

A happy, hot little girl. She loves being with her daddy.
Bonnie exploring the area around the waterfall.
Everest getting wet. Ahhh...that feels good.
Checking out the big boys at the top.
Daddy's grumpy face....some boys were uncooperative....hmmmm who could that be?????

Everest is getting interested in taking pictures. The camera is almost as big as he is. He wants to save his money to buy a small camera.
Self portrait.
Leaf and I spent an afternoon at the Nature Center. It was awesome! There was a wild life viewing area. Just as we walked into the room....a raccoon walked into view. The ranger said it was a very talented raccoon. When he came into work that morning, it had shimmed up a shepherds crook and got into 2 hummingbird feeders.
Checking for any scraps it can find.
Leaf spent 30 minutes in the puppet play area. He had so much fun.
More to come soon....

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