Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Leaf has been feeding himself more lately. Boy this kid can least that is what we thought. Kenya has been begging a lot more often and it is driving me crazy. (She rode to Pennsylvania with Bonnie. She is staying with my parents until we get there in 2 weeks. I am driving with the kids, so we figured one less thing to worry about would be good.) Kenya has been gone for 3 days and I am realizing, Leaf is not a tidy eater.

No wonder Kenya lays under his chair when he eats, even though we constantly chase her off. This was after one meal! I had no idea he was so messy. My floor is always so clean after he eats.


  1. I remember how sad I was giving our foster dog back to his owners, and then realizing how much I depended on him to keep my floor clean! First day was "wait a minute! why are there STILL cheerios all over the floor. i left it there for HOURS and they're still there!" Much more fun for a chubby black lab to clean up than for me. Cute kid!

  2. too funny. Once we were in Idaho babysitting my girlfriends baby. We fed her dinner and then cleaned up the dishes and then realized, "oh man, we have to clean up the floor too"...dogs are great for that :)
