Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aurora's First Birthday!!

My baby girl is a year old!!!!!!! Wow how time flies. A little more than a year ago, I was still sick all the time, stressed about life with 3 kids, and worried about how to feed a family of 5 (especially because we thought for sure she was a boy- and if you have seen my husband and my boys eat- you understand my worry!). A year later, I (for the most part) am adjusted to 3 kids, and we are not too late to most things. She is an amazing baby, and in some ways, life with 3 is easier than life with 2. The boys adore her and she adores them. She gives them someone else to play with when they have had enough of each other. They have both matured about helping out and watching over their sister. 

Good morning birthday girl! Aurora woke up to her favorite, green smoothie followed by strawberry/cherry one and heart shaped pancakes. I bought condiment bottles at the kitchen store a few years ago, they are perfect for making pancake shapes! (I have seen them at target too).
 Blowing kisses! Thanks Mama.
 Look at my birthday crown!
 It is my birthday and I want PIZZA! She is serious about eating, she takes after her daddy and Leaf! I think she had 3 pieces (and my pieces are not small!)

I can't believe my sister is one.....
Nathan informed me that Aurora had requested carrot cake for her birthday. I used the Smitten Kitchen's recipe, and as always no one was disappointed. It was VERY yummy! (I used the condiment bottles to write her name- I put strawberries/cherries in the icing for color and flavor)
My parents and the Benharts helped us celebrate Aurora's first year.
Biggest brother giving Aurora her first bite of cake. Everest loves to help feed her. She will usually eat for him better than for us.
 Leaf.....what can I say, it's cake. Who needs a spoon when you have 2 good hands that can shovel more in? Now do you see how she takes after Leaf?
 Climbing on the couch and everywhere else in my new birthday outfit. I am ONE! Hear me Roar!
Aurora, you have been such a blessing in our lives. You have completed our family and taught us how to love the baby stage. You are so much fun and your brothers are overflowing with love for you. You love them as much as they love you. You are a cuddly girl who smiles most of the time. But you are also BUSY! There is no obstacle that is too high for you to climb, no barrier you haven't figured your way around, and no toys that seem to be off limits to you. You can be a bit of a drama queen.  When you hear the word "no" you will start to pout, then make a few sad sounds, you will bend over and lay face down while your lip starts to quiver, then the tears start. This takes about a minute, about 20 seconds after the tears start to flow, you will slyly look up to see if we are watching. If not one is watching, you heighten your wailing; if we are looking, you sadly put your head back down and continue the drama until someone picks you up. I am sorry my baby girl, but it is hilarious when you do this. But we love you and always will. We have had an amazing year with you!


  1. First of all, I find it interesting that Aurora told Nathan what kind of cake to have. Hmm...funny! Second of all Happy Birthday Aurora-girl.!! She's so cute and I'm still glad you had a girl. In the long run, girls will always need their mothers, but boys after they grow up and love another woman, I think we lose them....your family really is complete.

  2. awe...this post made me teary! Happy birthday to your adorable little ONE year old!
