Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 5 Rest at McCormick Creek

 Monday, August 1. A slow day at the park.

A rare sight. Leaf is bright eyed and happy in the morning. Usually he is groggy, fingers in his mouth and the only words he will say is "up" or "Can I sit on your lap!" (technically- in his mind- it is not a question, but he has been "trained" to at least ask)
 It looks like a biking day, right? Still dark while eating breakfast, biking clothing on, granola...If that is what you think you would be mistaken. No it is the great fortune for us as parents that our first born and last born have this uncanny ability to know the sun is rising 2 time zones ahead of us. And they make it their duty to get up before the sun has a chance of reaching us. In so many ways this is a good thing, except when you are exhausted and all you really want is to look at the clock and not see it start with a 5 when you get up!
And although we have tried everything, the minute Everests' eyes open he is dressed and ready to start the day, and somehow...huuuummmmm...the rest of the family is awake too.

Hey! Are you talking about me?
Leaf making sure every morsel of granola goes into his mouth. This kid...he either eats everything in sight or he takes 2-3 bites all day.
Aurora figured out the "bite me"valve on the water bladders very quickly. She is teething so it felt good to chew on it and get a drink at the same time.
Good morning! I am a little more than tired. I had to make a detailed grocery list for Nathan because we had no food. When we looked at the trip, we knew there was a grocery store in town and in the truck town was not far away. In reality it is not far from the entrance of the park, but when the campground is 3 miles in, another 3 miles to the store is a long way. Plus the 3 miles from town to the park is 2 1/2 miles of a VERY steep hill.
Aurora helping out with bicycle maintenance. It is a little out of true daddy! (I am sure all of our wheels are out of true, some of the pot holes and gravel roads we have hit are anything but idea.)

Checking the bike from all angles.
It has my stamp of approval as an A-OK bike to ride on!
Daddy surprised us all with a big watermelon from the grocery store. He towed it plus all the other groceries up the BIG, BIG hill! You really are amazing!

I love watermelon, it feels good on my teeth.
Nathan cut thick pieces, but it didn't seem to stop Leaf. He dove right in. Luckily he did not have a shirt on, notice the juice running down his chest?

Everest enjoyed the watermelon too. Grrrrrr.
The kids were not disappointed! They ate the entire watermelon. I had a small piece, not because that is all I wanted, but because my 3 little monsters gobbled it up while I was busy feeding the littlest one.
I know it is bedtime, but do I really look tired? We had a hard time putting her to sleep in the tent. Normally I feed her, and lay her in her crib. At most, she fusses for 5 minutes and even then it is usually a half-hearted cry. In the tent, she rolled all over and climbed over everyone for at least the first hour. We started wearing her until she fell asleep at night.
Leaf in his blue fire fleece sleep sac. It was put on in the middle of the night. I realized once I had it on and tried to zip it, it was on backwards. He didn't seem to mind.

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