Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On the first day of Christmas...

Nathan left for DC this morning, and will be away for 4 days. I decided to do something fun while he is gone, to help the time pass faster for all of us. I happen to come across a blog where she does the 25 days of Christmas with her family. Each day they do something fun for the holidays. Nathan and I discussed it and decided to start our own 25 days of Christmas.

My first year at Penn State, my mom sent me something little in the mail every day for the month of December. She would send 2 things for Saturday so I had something to open Sunday. They were little things, like pencils, barrettes, pins, magnets, socks, etc. I loved that December. It wasn't what she was sending me, it was the fact that she was thinking about me every day. I have wanted to do something like this for the kids, but never seems to be organized enough to make it happen. (Since Aurora was born, my goal has been to be more organized in life).

Fast forward ...welll....many years and I am finally doing the same with my kids.

December 1st brought the first snow fall. We have had flurries, but no accumulation.

An envelope with today's surprise activities was waiting on the table.

 Starting the advent calendar is on our list, along with reading the 12 days of Christmas and watching a Christmas movie.
Leaf watching the snow fall. He had to close the door and settle for the window because it was too foggy.
Everest was making pizza and macaroni and cheese flavored ice cream for breakfast. So much fun had and all before 8am. Ah the pleasure of having kids who rise at 6am (or earlier). We even took Nathan to work today so he wouldn't have to leave his bike there for the week.

 I will try to blog our activities every day. No promises. Aurora is an amazingly good baby, but she is still a lot of work. Now with the cold, it adds another element to getting ready...coats, gloves, hats, and boots for all.

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