Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cape extravaganza

Yesterday I sewed! Something I have not done since December. I miss sewing. I have been too sick to do much of anything. I am still not feeling great, but I needed to make 2 capes for a fundraiser at Everest's school.
In the morning it was nice and Everest collected some rocks from outside. Leaf had a great time exploring them.

Here is the first cape I made. It will be part of a silent auction in April.
Everest showing off his moves in the cape.

Here is the second cape. I have had my eye on this material since October. I was thinking a Dr. Seuss, Cat in the Hat style cape. Everest took one look at it and said "American Flag Cape". He wants to keep it, but I told him, I would have to make another one for him.
As I was making this it reminded me of Captain America or Rocky (in one of the Rocky films -Rocky or Apallo wears boxing shorts that look like this.) What ever it is, Everest was pleased with it. I hope someone else likes it too. All the money raised in the silent auction goes to his school.
Nathan is contributing to the auction fund by donating a case of custom brewed beer. They have all kinds of cool things to bid on like: gourmet Indian dinner for 8, mulch delivered and spread, gift certificates to restaurants and stores, murder mystery dinner party, etc. We are supposed to get a list of all the things at the beginning of April. I will let you know more details then.

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