Sunday, March 28, 2010

Discovery Place

Waiting for the train to take us to the Discovery Place. This was a highlight for Everest. We only rode it 5 blocks, but it was worth it.

Look how happy he is.

This was very cool. Both boys spent a lot of time playing the drums. It was just a bucket, some pots and pans, and rubber drum sticks.
There was a VERY COOL water table for little and big ones. You can see the different levels of the table. They each had different water toys that were appropriate for each age. Leaf spent the majority of the time (almost 2 hours) at the water table. He was SOAKED. But he had so much fun it didn't matter. It doesn't look like it in this picture, but the water table was packed with kids the whole time we were there.
Leaf playing in the water. Look at his shirt.
Everest got into the fun, with the highest part of the water table. They had clear pvc pipe for the kids to build different channels for the water. Everest got all the tubes to flow into the water wheel.
Leaf taking a turn on the drums.
Everest the mad scientist. There was a rocket you could launch. You had to pump a handle to build up the pressure and then hit the button and see how far and fast it would go.
We took a break in the middle of playing to catch a 15 minute 3-D film on turtles.
Everest had fun with this contraption too. You sit down hard onto the seat and it pushes a metal piece up the tube to ring the bell. Leaf tried too, but he was too small.
Everest built a castle (Leaf helped, but he wondered away when I got the camera out). You can see the giant light bright table in the background. Very cool!

We LOVED the Discovery place (even though the majority of it was closed for renovations- the Kidscience room was enough for us). If we would have been there longer, we would have visited this museum again...and again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi -- we saw your blog in our Google Alerts and just wanted to say thanks for visiting! We hope you had a wonderful time and will come back soon!

    Logan Stewart
    Discovery Place, Manager of Public Relations
