Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Mother's Day Treat

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers in my life. You all inspire me in some way to be a better mama. Thank you.

Today I had a few minutes of quiet time to read my favorite magazine, Mothering. They had a great article on cloth diapering and Elimination Control. Near then end I found another great article on raw foods. I have made some raw food in the past, but I was never really sure what "raw" meant. I learned that it is typically foods that are not cooked, or cooked below 120 degrees. There were some recipes that I can't wait to try, but one I had to try RIGHT away. It is raw choconana pudding. 

(Mine might not be as pretty as they were in the article, but WOW, they were good!)
 I have been craving pudding lately, but can't bring myself to buy the pudding from the store, it all has high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils.....2 things we completely avoid. I bought some organic pudding and made it a few times, it is ok, but not nearly as creaming as I would like. So when I saw this recipe I had to try it. You will never believe what it is made of and how YUMMMY it is. I can't wait to make it again.....maybe tomorrow night.

Nathan and Everest enjoying the pudding.

The secret ingredient.....avocado. We love avocado and eat it often, but if you don't like it, you can't even taste it. Give it a try and let me know what you think. I promise you will not be disappointed.
Raw Choconana pudding (I doubled the recipe, next time I may triple or quadruple it so we have extra)

1 avocado
1/2 ripe banana
1/4 c cocoa powder
1/4 c honey (I used agave, maple syrup would work too)
1 T coconut oil
1 t vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Process until consistency is smooth like pudding . (Add water if needed)

I added plain yogurt to our glasses and then garnished with bananas and chopped almonds.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I just tried it! I thought at first the banana was a little strong, but then I really got into it. It's great!

    We have a really good honey here too, made from bees pollinating manuka trees (and preferably only manuka trees). It's delicious, and NZ'ders swear by it. They even have something called "UMF" ("unique manuka factor"), which measures how much manuka is in a honey product. It tastes great with the pudding as well.
