Here is his latest attempts at making my blood pressure skyrocket. He takes a kids chair (or really anything he can stand on-I have caught him standing on Kenyas' back to get onto the couch!) Pushes it to the big chair.....
Climbs over the little chair.....
onto the big chair.
And then sucks his fingers. Sometimes he climbs onto the table. He fell off the other side one day and landed on his head. Scared me to death. But as soon as he settled down, guess what he did? Climbed back up onto the chair.
Right before Everest's birthday party (in December), Leaf and I went to Lowes while Everest was at school. I got a piece of pvc pipe and put it in the cart. All Leaf wanted was the pipe. I let him have it, but he kept knocking things off the shelf with it, so I took it away. He squirmed and screamed and reached trying to get this pipe. At the check out the lady put it back into the basket way out of his reach. That little bugger reached and stretched so much, he flipped upside down in the cart, the seat part closed and he was left hanging upside down belted to the cart...STILL reaching for the pipe. He could have cared less that he was upside down, he was just mad that his efforts did not win his prize. It is a good thing I make sure he is belted very tightly in the carts.
LOL! This is a great story. Isaac (our second-born too... coincidence?) is our little "can-do" man. It's a great personality trait, but it can drive a mama nuts! Good luck with it!